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                                                                                                     9 December 2019

Recognising Service to Free Speech

For International Human Rights Day this year Women Speak Tasmania are recognising two outstanding Tasmanians for their contribution to Freedom of Speech. 

Freedom of speech underpins all human rights.

“On International Human Rights Day we want to recognise the contribution of Anne Warburton and Jeff Briscoe who have defended women’s rights to express their opinions on sex based rights,” said Isla MacGregor.

Article 19 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interfernce and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

“Jeff and Anne have spoken out in defense of women’s freedom of speech  amidst concerted efforts to have women no platformed and excluded from numerous forums during the ongoing gender debate in Tasmania.”

Anne Warburton said 

“I am honoured by the recognition given to me by Women Speak Tasmania. I hope I have managed to articulate and defend their right to raise and discuss matters of public interest, specifically recent and proposed changes to our laws and regulations governing sexual and/or gender identity that have serious potential consequences for the rights of women and children to personal safety, bodily integrity, fairness in sport and privacy in public facilities. It worries me deeply that certain elements within the transgender rights movement, the media and government want to suppress open debate about these issues, and are prepared to vilify and aggressively shout down Women Speak Tasmania, in an attempt to silence them. Having familiarised myself with WST’s campaign over the past year or so I must say that they are clearly not a ‘hate’ group, as they have been labelled by some in positions of authority.”

“If we want to have robust and open debate in our community we need to include all voices in our community.   Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of our democracy,”  said Isla MacGregor.

For further information contact:  Isla McGregor 62 391 054

                                                    Jeff Briscoe     0447 791 274

For Anne Warburton’s contact details contact Isla MacGregor